Independence Day and Republic Day

Celebrated every year on 15th August, the National Independence Day is attended by all staff of the school and students.


  • Independence Day is celebrated to teach students the value of citizenship, respect for one’s nation, and the importance of freedom.
  • Students become aware of the value of a free nation, and the movement that led to a free country.
  • Students learn about national leaders and people who contributed to the freedom movement. They become aware of the qualities of loyalty, courage, and perseverance.
  • Students learn to recognize and respect national symbols and what they stand for.

The Republic Day, celebrated on the 26th of January, addresses the following objectives:


  • An opportunity to teach students about the importance of obeying the law, respecting the governance of the country, and understanding the importance of the Constitution for the Nation.
  • This day is used as a platform to communicate to students the importance of values such as integrity and reason; students learn the importance of good civic behavour, progressive thought and the value of compassion in matters of daily routine.
  • To know the importance of 21st century global values of communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.